

Eric Gold

VCB is seeking a volunteer U15 A Division Coordinator to start as of July 1, 2024. 

Kristy Watson has done a tremendous job the past 3 years but is moving onto new challenges - but still coaching within VCB.


Job Description

- Coordinate players, coaches and parents within VCB's U15 A division.

- Collaborate with the VCB Board and staff (Registrar, Field Coordinator, Umpire in Chief, Equipment Coordinator...) to arrange successful Spring and Summer seasons.

- Answer questions from parents, players and prospective players about the Division.

- Recruit volunteer Coaches (Head and Asst) and assign each a team. Seek to retain returning coaches and recruit new coaches from incoming player parents.

- Coordinate player assessments in February and March draft

- Collaborate with UIC, Field Manager and other Coordinators to create a master field schedule - practice and games

- Manage the division during the season to answer any questions - parent, player or coach - and resolve any issues (with support of the Board)

- Review and revise U15A House rules as appropriate.

- Attend monthly VCB Board meetings (virtual) to present your Division report.


Skills Required

  • Organization - its important to ensure a smooth experience for 100+ Gr8 and Gr9 players, coaches and parents. Able to create and maintain season XLS - schedule, standings, player drafts... (Templates are available)
  • Leadership - You will be leading a crew of 10 x Head Coaches and their assistants into the season. They need to trust you and be confident in your decisions.
  • Administration - be comfortable creating or executing workflows as required
  • No Baseball technical nor Coaching skills required - this is an entirely off-field position so knowing how to throw a curve-ball is not required
  • Kindness, friendliness, interest, agileness - all skills that make running Recreational sports more fun for everyone

Realistic Time Commitments

Jan-March @ 40 hours + April-Aug @ 20 hours +  Aug-Jan @ 5 hours = about 65 hours per year

The majority of your work will be in the pre-season period culminating in the player draft (Jan to March). Once all players are on teams, the job dramatically quiets down.


Please contact Kristy if you're interested in the position or for more information.


Parents play a crucial role with the VCB Mounties. Your volunteer efforts and support not only help manage the costs of playing baseball but also keep the coaches' efforts focused on skill development. Our community and social network is enriched through parents' involvement, allowing a more meaningful connection and engagement with the beautiful game of baseball.Please volunteer your time.  Follow the links below for the listing of volunteer positions and the signup form if you are interested in taking on one of these roles.